All posts tagged: Coco Chanel

Spending habits….. part two

It seemed to be much easier to describe bad spending habits than to write an article about how to change them. And it is quite clear why: many people have these bad spending habits, but the correct way to change them varies individually. 1. Parents’ example. If you spend the way you spend because of your parents and their example and you are 19 at that time – it is okay. But if you are 30 and you are still blaming your parents for your bad habits – it is your choice to do so!  You can choose to blame them until the end of your life, instead of sitting down and writing a list about what they did with their assets, what you think they did wrong and why.  Put that list on the door so it will be the last thing you see  before leaving your home on the way to work every day.  Promise to yourself to never return to your old spending habits.  You might also need to go to psychotherapist and talk with …