All posts tagged: perfect

5 main steps for the perfect elevator pitch

If you an entrepreneur with an amazing idea and want to pitch it to your friends or even an investor, get ready to experience sweaty palms and rosy, red cheeks. Why? Because you never have a second chance to make a first impression! Here are some tips to avoid screwing it up:     I.         Make a plan and write it down.  Here is a plan: The American Express advice US makes it simple and useful.  FIRST BLOCK 1)    Name of your business 2)    Your product/services 3)    Market segment 4)    Problem solving  SECOND BLOCK  1)    Why your product is needed 2)    Which problems can it solve (this makes life easier, saves time and is more productive) 3)    Why are you better than the competition—USP  THIRD BLOCK 1)    Sales & Profitability Statement 2)    End with a statement about what you are looking to accomplish   II.         Repeat your pitch format again, and again.  In front of mirror or video camera, run through your offer at least a few times. Also, pitch your idea in front of friends and ask them to be critical by asking several questions. Overall, if …

10 Ingredients for the Perfect Weekend

The weekend is over. I really enjoyed mine! What about you? This week I followed my perfect weekend recipe and had a wonderful couple of days.  2 days of fun, joy, rest and balance. Here is my favorite recipe for a perfect weekend: Meet some friends whom you have not seen for a while and you miss. Let it be people who make you happy just because you see their faces. Enjoy their company! Sleep. Have a good nights rest and read a book to wake up in the morning. Eat some breakfast and read a book in bed. Enjoy a little bit of nature, breath and exercise: go skiing, running, kayaking, take a boat,  go skating, and/or have a picnic – it depends on the weather. A walk in the park works in any season. Drink a cup of hot cocoa when you return. An active weekend is the best! Watch one movie that you put in your “to watch” list.  Spend time with your family: dinner, a telephone call, a skype call, going to …