All posts tagged: weekend

10 Ingredients for the Perfect Weekend

The weekend is over. I really enjoyed mine! What about you? This week I followed my perfect weekend recipe and had a wonderful couple of days.  2 days of fun, joy, rest and balance. Here is my favorite recipe for a perfect weekend: Meet some friends whom you have not seen for a while and you miss. Let it be people who make you happy just because you see their faces. Enjoy their company! Sleep. Have a good nights rest and read a book to wake up in the morning. Eat some breakfast and read a book in bed. Enjoy a little bit of nature, breath and exercise: go skiing, running, kayaking, take a boat,  go skating, and/or have a picnic – it depends on the weather. A walk in the park works in any season. Drink a cup of hot cocoa when you return. An active weekend is the best! Watch one movie that you put in your “to watch” list.  Spend time with your family: dinner, a telephone call, a skype call, going to …