Month: September 2015

Juica – to buy or not to buy expensive juice detox?

People are always looking for a new magic diet or some other tool that will help them to lose weight fast without spending time exercising or properly monitoring their nutrition. Sites like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook are bursting with before-and-after pictures of people who have gone on a juice or tea detox. Juicing, or a short detox regimen comprised exclusively of fruit and/or vegetable juices, is especially popular during the summer. As such, so-called ‘juicing’ is big business around the world. This concept is especially popular in the fast-paced corporate cultures of the USA and Russia. Many busy professionals may not have enough time to make or stick to healthy eating plans, but have money to pay for two or three days of a juice detox program delivered straight to their home or office. Typically, the juices consumed as part of a juicing regimen are healthy, raw and not pasteurized. There’s also generally no added sugar, which means most of the juices have a very short shelf-life, usually a maximum of five days.   Juica …