All posts tagged: ted

5 main steps for the perfect elevator pitch

If you an entrepreneur with an amazing idea and want to pitch it to your friends or even an investor, get ready to experience sweaty palms and rosy, red cheeks. Why? Because you never have a second chance to make a first impression! Here are some tips to avoid screwing it up:     I.         Make a plan and write it down.  Here is a plan: The American Express advice US makes it simple and useful.  FIRST BLOCK 1)    Name of your business 2)    Your product/services 3)    Market segment 4)    Problem solving  SECOND BLOCK  1)    Why your product is needed 2)    Which problems can it solve (this makes life easier, saves time and is more productive) 3)    Why are you better than the competition—USP  THIRD BLOCK 1)    Sales & Profitability Statement 2)    End with a statement about what you are looking to accomplish   II.         Repeat your pitch format again, and again.  In front of mirror or video camera, run through your offer at least a few times. Also, pitch your idea in front of friends and ask them to be critical by asking several questions. Overall, if …

Embracing failure at TEDx Stockholm

This Thusday  TEDx Stockholm was holding an event “Embracing failure” in the heart of Östermalm at Grev Turegatan 30. Life as an Investment visited this event in order to get some new viewpoints on the “failure” from very inspiring speakers: Johan Ernst Nilson –  “environmental explorer”, Tor Rauden Källstigen -CEO & Founder of Loopcam and Mona Sahlin a former Minister of Labor and Deputy Prime Minister in Sweden. All the speakers had something to say and share but the most memorable, logical and clearly formulated points were by Johan Ernst Nilson. Here are some notes that were taken during his speech: 1. Always define your goals. There is very thin line between your dreams and your goals. By giving your dreams a definition, they became goals, and therefore they become achievable. 2. Learn from other people’s mistakes. It is cheaper, easier and less painful. 3. Postpone the success for the later time. If you did not achieve the goal today as you planned, tell yourself, “I have not lost; I just postponed the result I want till the later …